Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wednesday morning we all got up to get ready and head out to one of the Hindu Temples, Simhachalam. It means the hill of the lion and refers to the 11th century temple of Lord Narasimha - an incarnation of lord Vishnu. It has been hailed as the most famous and the best sculptured shrine. Millions of devotees from round the world visit this temple every year. As a matter of fact, several weeks ago when we saw hundreds and hundreds of people walking through the streets, they were walking to Simhachalam. Evidently once a year people walk by the moonlight to go to temple, from my understanding it is an all night thing, walking there and back. When we traveled there yesterday, I was surprised how long it took us to get there by car.  When we arrived Simhachalam I was bummed we couldn't take cameras inside, but because it is a working temple, I understand the sacredness of such rules, and it was rather nice that although we still had a lot of stares, there were no pictures taken of us either. Except one. There was a representative of the media there and was so excited to see white people at the temple, he took our picture and told our friend Mounika it would be posted in the local newspaper. Oh, how I would love to get my hand on that!

At Simhachalam

Us, with some other people walking by. Brayden said, "I meant to do that! I could have waited until they were out of the picture, but I thought You'd want them in it!" Yes, dear, I want random people in our pictures...

Dallan enjoying his souvenir, a  peacock feather fan. Mounikas dad got the price from 200 rupees to 80 rupees! I love being with the locals!
The boys and Mounika (and her father)
Like I said, we were all planned and ready to go to temple by the time Raju got here to pick up Ryan for work, the only problem is that Raju never showed up! After talking back and forth to Mounika on the phone it was decided that her dad would come pick us up and take us. They were so kind to want to take us. By the time we were finished at the temple, the boys were so hungry, so we had Mounika's dad drop us off at the mall so we could eat at the food court. We took a rickshaw home, which the kids LOVE doing and I could never ride one again. Mostly because there are no set prices, and I hate paying 15 rupees for something when in the past we've only paid 10. It's the coupon shopper coming out, but regardless, we got home without any problems.

Cutie pie, Dallan

This picture makes me laugh because people don't typically smile for pictures in this country, when Brayden was taking pictures on the back of the rickshaw, this couple totally looked at Brayden and smiled at him!

So, here's an update on our apartment...As we've been here for the last several weeks there has been this piece of fuzz, or a dust bunny hanging from the light in the front room...

I never did anything about it because I don't have anything that can reach that far, so every time I walk by this light, this dust bunny catches my eye. Well, the other day I was tucking the boys into bed and I started looking closely at the "dust bunny"...can you see what it really is?

It is totally a dried out baby lizard. my guess is that his tail got stuck and then the light turned on and fried him. Because we have no wall coverings or pictures hanging, we decided to leave him there for decoration. Kind of like a taxidermy, only not stuffed!

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