Thursday, July 19, 2012

This morning Ryan went with some guys from the office to play cricket. He said he did pretty good for his first time playing (maybe they were just being nice). Regardless, it’s so good for him to get to know everyone here on a different level than just work.

Ryan playing cricket

he played more like baseball...

I went into work with Ryan this morning so I could update the blog. Everyone was in the conference room on a phone call with the Utah office when he got in. Whoever was on the other line told all the employees to cheer if they wanted Ryan to leave on the next plane out of India…quiet. Then he asked everyone to cheer if they wanted Ryan to stay until January…all cheered. I came home and told Brayden we had to stay until January. I wish I had my camera with me to take a picture of THAT face! He’s such a stinker sometimes, before I could explain what happened and the situation I thought he was going to cry. Haha…I’m so mean!

Well, it’s official…we have made it into a local newspaper! We are official celebrities in these parts. Ok, when I say local newspaper, I mean really local. Most of the papers I’ve seen are partly in English, at least maybe the ads, this one is pure Telugu. The only thing in English is the ‘Crime News’, with pictures of dead bodies. Nice, very nice. But, either way, we were still in the newspaper!

One of the local papers. We are in the top right corner...
In case you couldn't read what it says, here's a closer look. haha  :)

Brayden was able to go out with the missionaries tonight. The elders here are so good and I’m so loving Brayden being able to 1) get away from everybody so he doesn’t continue to pester the other boys, and, 2) it shows him what the missionaries do and hopefully it’s something he’ll be able to look back at someday as a positive experience. WARNING: The following pictures were taken by a 13 yr old that is out with 19 year olds...
Brayden hanging out of a rickshaw

Goofy Elder Bown

The missionaries, Elder Bown and Elder Peterson


I decided to ask my three little boys some questions about being here, so in the future I can remember their thoughts as well. Here is the result:

What do you miss the most from home?
Dallan: our house and my friends
Davis: friends
Conor: friends, cheeseburgers, Mc Donald’s, Browser (the dog), my bed, my pillow, TV, the Wii (ok, tell me how you really feel…)

What have you enjoyed the most in India?
Dallan: bacon
Davis: Taj Mahal
Conor: The Red Fort

Have you learned anything in India?
Dallan: Writing my name in Hindi and Telugu
Davis: How to do the head bob
Conor: India noodles are good

What is the funniest thing you have experienced?
Dallan: the Elders (missionaries)
Davis: Dallan asking Mounika to kiss him on the cheek
Conor: Watching the monkey chase Davis and using the water pump

Favorite thing you’ve eaten:
Dallan: buttered naan
Davis: just trying all the different foods and sweets is fun
Conor: Domino’s pepperoni pizza

What has been the worst experience?
Dallan: everyone touching me
Davis: all the power outages
Conor: falling off the wall

What has been your favorite thing?
Dallan: everything!
Davis: Rickshaw rides (can’t decide if he likes the bike or auto rickshaw better)
Conor: All the people taking our picture at the Taj Mahal

If we ever came back to India what would you want to do?
Dallan: go to ‘Delicacies’ (the noodle restaurant)
Davis: go to the toilet museum in Delhi
Conor: go to the golden palace (he read it in my ‘India’ book somewhere)

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