Thursday, July 26, 2012

Once again, yesterday started out amazing! One thing I've never talked about is the doors and locks here. There are two separate slide locks, one on the inside and one on the outside. This is what the outside looks like...

The outside of our apartment door

When we arrived here, one of my first comments to Ryan was, "What if we're inside the apartment and someone locks us in from outside. We just laughed about how the neighbors would want to lock in the "crazy Americans". Well, yesterday morning Ryan left for work, about 30 minutes later, the boys and I tried to leave to got to the school..

The front door in the locked position

We couldn't leave because Ryan locked us in the apartment without knowing it! I had to call him to talk to his co-worker Sri, to call Raju, the driver, to come let us out of our apartment. Good times, good times!

I took Brayden shopping yesterday for some traditional clothes...

Brayden in Red

Brayden in white

We went with the white...but without the turban. The store clerk just put that on because I was taking pictures of him. He tried deleting these pictures, but alas, without any avail!

We ended the day at the Submarine Museum. We got some good pictures (and some not so good ones of me), and if you haven't figured out already, Mounika goes with us pretty much wherever we go. The main reason is because we enjoy her company, but also, it's nice to have somebody translate for us. (Brayden likes to know what everyone around is saying about us.)

Brayden is watching the guy next to us trying to figure out what he's saying, but thanks for smiling for the picture

Inside the museum

Again, inside the museum

Coming out of the museum

From Beach Road, looking onto the sub

After leaving the museum, we decided to walk down Beach Road. Beach Road is a long road that follows the coast. It's an easy stroll, but it was nice to get out and just walk.

Walking down Beach Road

Again, attracting the locals
 We walked to one of the hotels down from the museum to get dinner, it is these kinds of thing that I will miss in India. I love this picture that deciphers the women's restroom from the men's...

Women's restroom

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