Saturday, June 16, 2012

Notable happenings the last couple of days...

*At the Taj Mahal, Brayden makes the comment to me, "We are definitely the black sheep here...or white sheep, I guess that fits better."

*Plane flight from Delhi to Vizag, Brayden watches his first Bollywood movie, and likes it.

*Same flight, Dallan is sitting diagonally from me (Ryan is across from him, but already asleep) and asks me how to call the stewardess on the plane. I proceed to tell him and then say he has to wait until the plane gets up in the air before he can ask for water. The nice gentleman that is sitting in the same row as him, doesn't understand anything, but wants to help, so he proceeds to call the stewardess for mid take-off.

*We are surfing channels on the TV trying to find something to watch when the boys find the Disney channel. Pheineas and Ferb are on, in Teleguru (the local language, but I'm not sure if that is the correct spelling or even the right word). Best part is the boys quoting each line in English because they've already seen that episode multiple times.

*Telling Dallan to buck up in the shower and just get wet because he'll get used to the cold water if he just gets in and then getting in myself and holding my breath because it's much colder than I thought.

*Starting at 6:50am and trying really hard to get toast made in the toaster for all the boys before the 7:00am  rolling blackout occurs, but then it comes 10 minutes early.

*Warming Pizza Hut pizza up on a griddle over a doesn't work well.

*Drooling over 'Man vs. Food' today because his challenge was to eat 4 huge cheeseburgers. Mmmmm, cheeseburgers...

*Trying to say sorry to the maid that came back today to clean the floors. Still feeling a little sheepish about that one.

*Having a trash can that is too small to fit a target bag be your main size trash can for a family of 6.

*Having your almost 8th grader tell you it's not fair that the school behind the apartment complex gets out of school at 1:30 in the afternoon, but then I tell him that it's Saturday!

*And, last, but not least, getting to go see Madagascar 3 for 150 rupees (that's only $3 a person!)

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